Explore the Mind, Body & Spirit

Feed your spirit with channeled mandalas. Quiet your mind with meditations.

For the Spirit


The mandalas I create are channeled artwork. If you're looking for a unique piece of art for yourself or a gift for someone special, I take custom orders.

Email Your Request

For Balance


havingness mandala

The mandalas each contain specific energies. Using them as a tool for a mediation practice is another means of tapping into their energy.


Get in touch. Keep in touch.


My name is Tina Lenz-Mandt. I’m an artist and craftsman in Wisconsin. When I’m not working on art or other crafty pursuits, I enjoy music, photography, watching Beloit Snappers Baseball, CrossFit and Wisconsin’s great outdoors.

Art is something that has always been a part of me.  I grew up doodling and drawing.  In college, I decided to make art a career.  Since receiving a Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design, I have worked in various fields of design.  Most recently, I have expanded my design knowledge to include a diploma in web design.